Betekenis van:
tap water

tap water
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • water v.d. waterleiding; leidingwater; water uit de waterleiding
  • water directly from the spigot




  1. Tap water is dangerous.
  2. Tom turned on the hot water tap.
  3. Most Japanese drink water from the tap.
  4. You'd better not drink the tap water.
  5. Generally, mineral water is more expensive than tap water.
  6. Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener.
  7. There's a chance that tap water may contain harmful substances like chlorine and lead.
  8. Tap water temperature and flow (1 point)
  9. Wash briefly in gently running tap water.
  10. Wash briefly in gently running tap water. Remove excess water with tissue paper.
  11. Wash briefly in gently running tap water. Remove excess water with tissue paper.
  12. Rinse the sample first in tap-water and then in distilled water or water of equivalent quality.
  13. Wash in gently running tap water, blot dry on tissue paper and apply a coverslip.
  14. Drain off the staining solution and wash briefly in tap water, removing excess water with tissue paper.
  15. Rinse the sample first in tap-water and then in distilled water or water of equivalent quality. Drain and dry so as to avoid any stain.